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Automatic Garage Doors their pros and cons

01/04/2014 Back To Blog

Even the most devoted supporters of technological developments would agree that evolution has facilitated our lives to a great extent, but has also increased the maintenance cost and has created new problems, which are harder to be resolved by average people because they are very complicated. The automatic garage door openers were a fabulous revolution and have changed completely the life of millions of people, but there are still some consumers in California that wonder whether the installation of automatic garage doors is worth the trouble.

The pros

They offer you quick, easy and safe access into your garage. The only thing you would have to do is press a button to enter and a button to close the door. You won't have to open the door manually anymore or step outside your car.

Now that the protection of the car is greater and the access is faster, you can expand your activities in the garage taking advantage of the space in there, too.
There are numerous remote controls and experts at any garage door repair comapny in Redondo Beach will help you choose the right one for your personal interests and needs. Current models with the rolling code will offer you even greater safety.

The greatest thing about the contemporary electric openers is their safety features, which can really protect you when some garage door parts won't work properly, when the door may endanger your life or there is smoke in the garage that threatens the whole house.
It goes without saying that the value of the house will increase because most people today search for homes with automatic openers.

The cons

Of course, automatic garage doors cost more and the electric parts will also be supplementary accessories that will add to your expenses, but they will provide you the safety and the security you require. Keep in mind that home invasions will cost you much more.

The electric parts rely on electricity and if the power is out, you will need to use the emergency cord release. Lately, many openers come out with a new system that allows them to work with batteries for a few hours.

There is an increased possibility for domestic accidents due to the unpredictability of the electric parts and that's why garage door maintenance on a regular basis is extremely essential.

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Blog | Automatic Garage Doors their pros and cons